Some fan costume

Hello there!

Boy, it’s been a while since the last time I posted here! Between the exams and the holidays with the family, I didn’t really get the time to progress in any of my projects… But here we are!

A bit of context for this one: this character is the persona (i.e the avatar) of a video maker, streamer and YouTuber named Lt.Eddy (short for Lieutenant Eddy), which itself is inspired by a video game, “Metal Gear Solid“. His own design is very simple, with only the mask and beret as distinguishable features.

As a long-time fan of this man and, obviously, costume designer, I decided to create my own version of the character, improving parts of the design and adding multiple details. The final result has a much more realistic vibe to it, with much more military equipment and extra layers of clothes.

Some parts, like the medals on the chest or the epaulets, are even actual military items, for the most part from the 1954’s Algerian War.

The beret, cape and bracer were handmade, whereas the mask and gloves were modified to suit my design.

I hope you will enjoy this as much as the streamer I made this for did!



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